Friday, July 20, 2012

Plastic Surgery For An Enhanced Figure

Everyone wants to obtain a perfect body, and will go through rigorous diet and exercise plans to achieve their ideal figure. However, the human body is sometimes unpredictable, with the tendency to hang on to stubborn excess fat that no amount of exercise will get rid of. Instead of hiding the problem areas behind bulky clothes or avoiding certain clothes altogether, patients have the option to consults with a San Francisco plastic surgeon and discuss options to trim and enhance any area on their body that they are self-conscious about. There are many procedures offered in cosmetic surgery that will target the exact body part that you want to correct. The stomach and thighs are two of the most commonly complained about areas, especially for women that are predisposition to carry more fatty tissues around the belly to support pregnancy.

Plastic surgery in San Francisco offers tummy tuck and liposuction as effective ways to permanently diminish those pesky fat cells. A tummy tuck involves a large excision of the skin for the removal of flesh around the belly. And because your surgeon will have visual access to the underlying abdominal wall, he will be able to tighten the muscle framework for extra tone and trim to the stomach area. This procedure is ideal for heavier patients or post-pregnant mothers. A less-abrasive plastic surgery in San Francisco is liposuction. This cosmetic procedure utilizes a suction to remove excess fat deposits from any body part; typically the arms, stomach, and thighs. Your surgeon will create tiny incisions around the targeted problem area, and then insert a thin hollow tube into the incisions to dislodge and suction out the fat deposits into a vacuum. And because this process will remove significantly less fat than a tummy tuck, it is more suited for healthy and active individuals that only need minimal fat removal.

Another highly-requested cosmetic procedure for an enhanced body is for San Francisco breast augmentation procedure Firm and voluptuous breast can make a huge difference in a woman’s figure by adding some much needed curves. Women have a choice between saline and silicone implants, to which each have their unique advantages. Saline breast implants consists of a thin silicon outer shell filled with a sterile saltwater solution. Generally, your surgeon will place the implant shell into the breast first, and then fill it up with the solution, allowing for a smaller incision. Silicone gel implants, on the other hand, closely resembles the look and feel of human fat, though require a longer incision for proper placement. Whatever your choice, your surgeon can provide the aesthetic enhancement you need for your breast augmentation in San Francisco.



  1. Thanks for sharing very informative and interesting post regarding Plastic Surgery. one of my friend who lives in San Francisco. He badly needs this treatment. I would like to pass this information to him. I hope that this post will help him a lot. Thanks.

    Body Plastic Surgery

  2. Even if the human body is sometimes unpredictable, after a certain age when the growing process stops we can tell if a person needs a change or not. Usually teens are not patient and decide to have pals tic surgeries at a young age....their surgeons should tell them that's not recommended.
    I went to for a tummy tuck surgery only after my second child was born. I had to do something to fix the damage provoked by two pregnancies in two consecutive years...Needless to say I look better than before and off course I have to thank my surgeon for this.

  3. Yes, cosmetic surgeries nowadays really change the figures and even every "part" of the body. But we need to be reminded that it has a great effect to in the inner side.

    Breast Augmentation

  4. Many people now ready to go under knife so that they can have body that they desire. These surgery improve their appearance which further help them in boost their confidence. The only thing that people have to take care at time of surgery is to find expert surgeon who has great experience in doing these surgeries liposuction orange county
    Breast augmentation orange county

  5. If you want to get an hour like figure, you have to shell out money to get the desired shape. This blog will clarify all your doubts.

  6. Plastic surgery for enhanced figure is shown on the post here. Know all about it

  7. Go girls get that good figure! What are u waiting for?
